Beginning Your Homeschool Journey

A You-Can-Do-This! Course - Scheduled Release Date 5/31/20

You Can Homeschool with Confidence!

  • What skills and concepts should your child know?
  • How do you educate your child at home if you aren't a trained teacher? 
  • How do you know what he knows?
  • What about socialization?
  • What sort of records do you keep? And what will this all cost?
  • How do you pick curriculum? Or plan a lesson? Or keep the house from falling down around you while you homeschool?
  • Perhaps you're afraid you don't even know what you don't know, so you just aren't sure if you can do this........
  • But.... what if a seasoned homeschooler coach and professional educational coach could mentor you as you begin this journey?

Vicki will help you Homeschool with Confidence! 

You've made the decision to homeschool, but it all feels SO overwhelming! In this intro course, Vicki serves as your travel guide through the basics of planning your "road trip of a lifetime." Six easy-to-manage lessons include a planning checklist, goals worksheets, basic curriculum overview, sample routines, cost projections, roadblocks to avoid on your homeschool journey, practical tips, and more!


Israel Wayne

Author, conference speaker, dad of many

...If  there was a “Mount Rushmore” of homeschooling experience, Vicki Bentley  would be on it. If you want to avoid pitfalls, streamline your homeschool process, and set your child up for ultimate success, I implore you to wisely invest in the quality mentoring that Vicki  provides. You’ll be 
so glad you did!
                                                 ~ Israel Wayne, author, conference speaker

Sharon D.

Mom of 2 homeschool grads

If it hadn’t been for Vicki, I may never have homeschooled at all. My husband met her at a very small (early 90’s) homeschool convention... Fortunately for me, Vicki lived near me and was the driving force for our homeschooling community. Her godly wisdom and leadership, along with her kindness, compassion, support, laughter, and friendship encouraged a generation of homeschooling families. She has a BIG heart and years of experience.                               ~ Sharon D., mom of two homeschool grads

"Dynamic, practical, and challenging—Vicki shares from a wealth of homeschool experience. She’ll provide a road map to help you plan your trip, navigate those bumps in the road, and reach your homeschool destination."

Yvonne B.
Homeschool mom & state leader

video sessions

Videos with Vicki  to introduce the lessons and to equip & encourage you

GENEROUS content

Handouts, outlines, articles, slide presentations, and more!

online community

Invitation to join our exclusive online community for Q&A, tips, discussion.

 peace of mind

Get a strong start with goals and a plan for your child's education!

Course Curriculum - Scheduled Release Date 5/31/20

Six manageable lessons including video, slideshows, and handouts/articles.
Also available for a low fee: Exclusive members-only online community, to interact "in person" with Vicki and other course participants!

Lesson 1:  The pre-trip planning checklist

Includes a "pre-trip checklist" for embarking on this amazing homeschool journey!

lesson 2:  getting from here to there

WHY are you homeschooling? How will this affect HOW you homeschool? Let's set some goals.

Lesson 3:  Pack the necessities 

Needs vs wants . . . and what will this cost?

lesson 4:  On THE ROAD

Practical ideas for homeschooling, and some "roadblocks" to avoid! Includes links to helps & resources.

lesson 5:  along the way

Let's talk briefly about preschool, middle school, high school, and special needs.

lesson 6:  souvenirs

Recordkeeping tips and tools, for you, your children . . . and the officials.

Vicki Bentley Bentley

Meet Vicki Bentley, a joyful mother of eight daughters, foster mom to fifty children, and proud grandma to 23 wonderful grandbabies (plus eleven great-grandchildren). Alongside her husband Jim, she's homeschooled 17 children, and her workshops and articles reflect her understanding of the daily challenges facing homeschooling parents.

Since 1991, Vicki has been an integral part of local support group and state organization leadership, providing invaluable guidance and support to homeschooling families in Virginia and beyond. Her 11 years on the executive board and convention committee of the Home Educators Association of Virginia, development of consultant training there, and her 15+ years of service nationally at HSLDA as an educational consultant and group services director underscore her commitment to empowering parents, students, and leaders on this homeschooling journey.

Vicki blogs at and has authored countless magazine articles, as well as such essential books/resources as My Homeschool Planner, The Everyday Family Chore System, Everyday Cooking, and Home Education 101: A Mentoring Program for New Homeschoolers, and she is a contributor to Help! I Just Pulled My Kids Out of School! (Coming soon: High School 101: Blueprint for Success) 

As a sought-after speaker at conferences and online events across the nation, Vicki shares practical insights and encouragement gleaned from her years of experience. Through her workshops, writing, and mentoring, she has empowered thousands of families to homeschool with confidence.

Beginning Your Homeschool Journey

$37 USD

  • Six lessons including a "pre-trip checklist," articles, videos, and worksheets to get you started!

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